Jessenius Faculty of Medicine
in Martin
Comenius University Bratislava

Dissertation examination (written part)

Permission to sit the dissertation exam is granted after obtaining at least 60 credits, completing the course "Methodology of Scientific Work" and "Fundamental Statistical Analysis Methods" and passing a foreign language exam. 

Dissertation examination is a state subject. Please note that it is not possible to postpone application deadline and the written part of the dissertation exam. 

Decree No. 244/2019 Coll. of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic on the system of study fields became effective as of September 1, 2019 - Accredited PhD. study programmes

Internal Regulation No. 5/2020 Directive of the Rector of CU, Annex No. 3 to the Internal Regulation No. 12/2013 Guidelines of the Rector of Comenius University on the basic requirements of final theses, rigorous theses and habilitation theses, originality check, storing and accessibility at Comenius University.

A PhD. student of a 4-year full-time form of study registers for the exam no later than 24 months after the commencement of studies.

A PhD. student of a 5-year part-time form of study registers for the exam no later than 30 months after the commencement of studies.

Dissertation examination:

  • the written part of the dissertation examination is submitted in an electronic form. The electronic version of the written part of the dissertation exam (file in PDF format with the option of converting to the plain text) is submitted by the author via email.
  • hard copy of the written part of the dissertation examination needs to be submitted as well,  with single-sided printing and comb binding
  • a presentation is made in Power Point
  • presentation length is approx. 7 min
  • contact person: PhDr. Miroslava Mužilová ( - 043/2633199)

  • Directive of the Rector of CU No 7/2018 – full wording of the Internal Regulation No. 12/2013  Guidelines of the Rector of Comenius University on the basic requirements of final theses, rigorous theses and habilitation theses, originality check, storing and accessibility at Comenius University as amended by the Appendix No. 1 and No. 2.