Jessenius Faculty of Medicine
in Martin
Comenius University Bratislava

ESIF projects

The Centre for the Support of Science, Research, and Development provides comprehensive project management from preparation, through implementation to successful completion of projects that can receive or have received a non-refundable financial contribution from European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF). In the 2007-2013 program period, we received a non-refundable financial contribution for 25 projects (18 projects within the Operational Program Research and Development, 7 projects from the Operational Program Education). In the 2014-2020 program period, we received a non-refundable financial contribution for 16 projects (15 projects within the Operational Program Integrated Infrastructure and 1 project within the Operational Program Environmental Quality).

Currently, the new Slovakia Program for the years 2021-2027 has been approved; it focuses on the following areas:

  • More Competitive and Intelligent Slovakia
  • Greener Slovakia
  • More Connected Slovakia
  • More Social and Inclusive Slovakia
  • Europe Closer to Citizens
  • Fund for Just Transformation

Operational program Integrated infrastructure

Operational Program Quality of Environment

Operational Program Research and Development

Operational Program Education