Separate department of infectious diseases was funded in the Martin Hospinal in the 1953. For 2 years it was under the leadership of MUDr. Vladimír Galanda, from the 1955 MUDr. Viliam Krajňák as the head of the department.
Education of the infectology started at the 1963 as the subsidiary of the clinic at FM CU in Bratislava. External head of the was Associate Professor MUDr. Július Hrúzik, CSc. (1963-1972).
In the 1970 the department was recodified to the Infectious clinic, the first head being – in the preriod from 1. 9. 1975 to 28.2. 1989 - Associate Professor MUDr. Viliam Krajňák, CSc., in the period from the 1. 3. 1989 do 31.8. 1998 Associate Professor MUDr. Ladislav Michal, CSc., and in the period form the 1.9. 1998 Associate Professor MUDr. Mária Szilágyiová, CSc., (from the 2003 Professsor).
The first specialised lecturer at the clinic was from the 1963 MUDr. Ladislav Michal (till his habilitation in the 1979). Between years 1964-1976 MUDr. Klára Sršňová, and 1976-1982 MUDr. Igor Konvit, and 1983-1988 MUDr. Mária Szilágyiová, and 1990-1995 MUDr. Henrieta Moravanská were at position of the specialised lecturers, and from the 1995 MUDr. Katarína Šimeková, PhD. ( from the year 2010 as Associate Professor).
At the position of the vice head there were: MUDr. Brigita Ševčovičová (1976-1983); MUDr. Jarmila Adamková (1983-2003); MUDr. Dušan Krkoška, PhD., MBA., (1995- untill now).
In the 2007 the department was named as the Clinic of infectology and travel medicine.