The name and number of the project:
Multiresistent TB – detection of DNA polymorphism in antituberculous drugs resistance.
The aim of project (annotation):
1.The development of methods for simply polymorphism responsible for resistance of M. tuberculosis strains detection.
2.Genotyp analysis of archived M. tbc strains with detection of Rifampicin, Pyrazinamid and Ethambutol resistance.
The searching of antimicrobial resistance of M. tbc in new-diagnosed tuberculosis.
4. The implementation of new methods in the system of rapid rutine diagnostic of tuberculosis.
Solution Time:From: 11/2007 To: 04/2013
Ján Melter, MVDr., PhD.
Jaroslav Fábry, M.D., PhD.
Katarína Melterová, MVDr.
Martina Miškovská, M.D.
Andrej Akurátny, RNDr.